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Our Approach

The Edison School provides an environment where students feel safe, accepted, and successful. We know that many of our students come to us feeling discouraged and overwhelmed based on their past school experiences. It is our job as educators to transform the idea of their capabilities. This is accomplished through intentional academic programming as well as helping students develop lifelong skills needed for social and emotional well-being.




                                                                                                                                                                Individualized Learning


Students with learning differences process information differently. We approach every student individually and really get to know how they prefer to learn new information, whether it is visually, kinesthetically or auditory. Using this information, we develop a learning plan to help students achieve academic success in areas where they are struggling and can challenge them in areas of their strengths.


How we do this

For Math and English/Language Arts, students are grouped and taught at their achievement level, not grade level. This allows each student to achieve success, regardless of where they are academically in comparison to other students their age.

Programs and strategies are specifically chosen for each group in order to maximize the impact of instruction. Students advance through the curriculum as they master skills rather than being held to a timeline based on grade or state-mandated assessments.

With this focused approach and small group sizes, educators are able to target individual student’s needs and effectively deliver instruction and make accommodations as needed.

Mornings are devoted to academic-level math and Language Arts groupings. 

In the afternoons, students receive science and social studies instruction in an inquiry-based environment and attend special area classes. Special area classes include music, art, life skills and social emotional.

The use of technology can be an effective learning tool for many students. 

Our Kindergarten and elementary students have access to classroom IPAD's to reinforce skills and concepts taught.

Our middle and high school students are assigned a student Chromebook to work one-on-one with their lessons.

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